Part V Movement and Play


Includes podcasts

The cerebellum is not just a motor 'control panel' but also a switchboard connecting the reasoning and judgment features of the frontal cortex as well as the emotional midbrain areas and is consequently tied to learning......more

Through the physical interactions associated with rough-and-tumble and explorative play along with associated risks, children learn to be empowered as valued members of a group through the social interaction......more

Bunge and her graduate students found that the reasoning ability of seventeen 7-9-year-olds improved thirty-two percent from a regimen of board and card games after eight weeks of after school sessions. She concluded: "All parts of intelligence are malleable. They're all in the brain, and all of the brain shows plasticity".....more

Schools are authorized to provide an environment that maximizes the academic and physical wellness of children. Procuring a complement of equipment and space that stimulates neurological growth should be considered by school boards and administrators for use throughout the school day.....more

Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that exploration, play, and rough-and-tumble experiences are necessary not only for anger management but also impulse control extending into adulthood.....more

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