3. Engagement Craves Novelty

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Like my colleagues, I exerted considerable effort gearing students for standardized tests in my content area.  Over a period of years, I became very proficient in teaching my curriculum and observed students doing likewise as learning recipients, often enjoying the material they facilitated for both advanced and basic level sections.  Using a regimen of card, board, and video games in after-school sessions a few times a week, Silvia Bunge and her team raised reasoning and speed processing capacities of 7 to 9-year-olds in a central city school thirty-two and twenty-seven percent, respectively, in just two months!1.

How does one account for the momentous change in mental proficiency by playing games when the rest of us must pull out all stops to get reasonable achievement from our students? In fairness to educators who strive for student mastery covering the broad topical scope of our disciplines, Bunge's tasks were specific and focused on specific cognitive functions (reasoning or speed processing), and thus selected games that activated those functions. In Bunge's study, the reasoning group did not improve in speed processing and the speed processing group did not improve in reasoning.

The brain is poised to experience novelty

I believe that the predominant factor affecting the reasoning and speed processing aptitudes in Bunge's study was novelty. They were engaged in captivating activities and spent substantial intervals performing tasks associated with the selected games: reasoning or speed processing.

The one hundred sixty hours of regular school time over that interval probably did not contribute to the measured gains. Games did. Class time was more concerned about knowledge acquisition and skill development in academic disciplines of mathematics, vocabulary, and language.

Can the after-school play regimen be applied to a classroom setting? That is, can a teacher create modules with comparable novelty when covering lessons in language, mathematics, and social studies?  I believe that novelty can be added to any school learning environment with positive results.

Why was game playing novel for these children? In one respect, it was the frequent feedback on their progress that allowed them to move successive increments. They were validated for their success every step of the way and remained engaged. Games are designed that way. Classrooms are generally knowledge dispensaries and cannot match that feedback immediacy. Also, changing stations every fifteen minutes perpetuated the novelty as the 7 to 9-year-olds were challenged mentally for sustained periods in each of the seventy-five-minute after-school gaming sessions.

Play is pleasurable and innate in children, and these after-school sessions met that need. Sitting at desks for long intervals during a school day with minimal feedback does not hold the same level of engagement. The play-centered curricula in the early grades in many schools is pleasurable and purposeful for young children and sustains their attention, but there needs to be a transitional novelty that is pleasurable in content area pursuits through the teen years.

Students foster a greater appreciation of the educational process when schools stress the importance of content areas and their historical relevance. For one, the liberal arts education we adopt today is a continuum of the human need to understand the world that embraces survival and creative endeavors.  American schools have distilled that into the subjects English, History, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education, and Art. Furthermore, it is through their inclusion that we nurture literacy development encompassing reading, writing, and computation.

Unlike the hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies of our ancestors thousands of years ago, we live in a knowledge assimilation and techno-skill-capable world. Because the success of our civilization hinges on innovation and psychomotor processing in diverse venues, our nation may lose its dominance in the global economy if institutes of education fail to develop the skill readiness in the ever-advancing technological workplace. Because educators are competing with the very captivating Web, novel educational devices must be implemented to maximize student attention at every grade level.

Novelty search

The key point is that the brain searches for novelty by continuously monitoring sensory information from the environment. Taste, touch, hearing, vision, and smell are on alert and receive information directed to the back of the brain or brain stem. This is the reticular activating system (RAS) and is responsible for receiving the environmental information that keeps the rest of the brain aware of the world around us. Organisms are constantly receiving signals that alert them about dangers as well as opportunities to procure shelter, food, and mates. (Did you ever capture a bird or squirrel with your hands?) These alerts are novel to the organism. 2

The amount of sensory information the RAS receives is at least a million bits per second which is filtered down to two thousand/second of the most relevant to the sensory cortex. From these regions, the data is directed to the midbrain's limbic system. The amygdala and hippocampus then scrutinize this information for emotional relevance.3 Most of the time this sensory information lacks novelty, not requiring conscious attention.

The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.
Carl Rogers
from On Becoming a Person, 1961
However, a hissing snake by our feet is interpreted through the auditory and visual cortices as dangerous, the amygdala interprets it as such and sends signals to the autonomic centers so that the individual can flee immediately. There is no deliberation because the amygdala transmits quickly to other parts of the brain, stimulating the adrenal gland to secrete adrenaline, sparking the metabolism of glucose in the musculoskeletal system. The visual and auditory stimuli of the snake, therefore, does not interpret it in the same context as a math problem, because a math problem does not pose a physical threat. The human limbic system knows that survival necessitates distancing oneself from danger (as soon as possible) because snakes can cause harm.

A trained snake handler, for instance, has been educated to understand the risks and the procedures to approach and secure a snake. The amygdala, hippocampus, and the higher areas of the brain, the frontal cortex, have worked collaboratively through training to alter the original fear mechanism upon seeing and hearing a hissing snake. Engagement is high in such an encounter. The hissing and visual appearance of a snake by a trained handler is interpreted: "be careful, step back, and grab the snake's neck once you have a position that will minimize the snake's reaction". There might be some hesitation in the first few trials, but the individual will become a fearless snake handler with repetition as the cerebellar/prefrontal cortex connection is conditioned to perform the maneuver appropriately to minimize risk of injury.

Attentive focus

The interplay between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system is a critical aspect of brain physiology that determines our drive in all matters, including the desire to perform tasks in school. If the message obtained by the amygdala from the sensory cortex is perceived as leading to a rewarding experience, the brain sets in motion the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the nucleus accumbens to obtain that reward, increasing the individual's attentive focus as the potential reward is achieved.4

Attentive focus coincides with the brain coordinating neuroplasticity, the growth of nervous tissue in the brain. It is accelerated when environmental cues are interpreted as rewarding or pleasurable, releasing dopamine and maintaining the focus. From the perspective of learning content areas, the nerve axons in the memory storage area, the hippocampus, are stimulated and the individual's attentive focus results in synaptic extensions, or dendrites, to the nerve axon body.

Depending on the duration of the experience and repetition, the number of dendrite connections can range from one to one hundred thousand per neuron!5 More extensive nerve networks correlate with improved knowledge facilitation, like the steps in a math problem or the lines in a play. Repetition of tasks also aids in reinforcing the dendritic sprouting and makes the student ripe for further learning.

Doing a mathematics homework assignment that matches the problems introduced in class, for example, is likely to improve the mastery of that problem type. The student is likely to do well on a quiz covering the topic the next day. Consider the benefit, too, of including the answers to the homework problems so that feedback is available after performing all the steps. That is rewarding, and dopamine production will go up in anticipation of the reward (getting the correct answer). Completing the assignment is registered as pleasurable because the student is continuously finding out that they are competent. Getting high scores on past quizzes reassures the student that the time spent doing the homework is worthwhile.
However, assigning a set of math problems not related to the teacher presentation or extremely difficult compared to what was covered in class is not likely to produce mastery, nor cause significant neuroplasticity, and will fail to ready most the students for the quiz the next day. Consider, too, that the amygdala will view the problems as an emotional negative, that is, one of frustration. On a bigger scale is the negativity experienced by students that contend with bullies and other social and concentration issues during their time in school.

Instruction builds knowledge and conceptual patterns in the brain

The key is to provide experiences that match existing knowledge, so the brain can act on the recognition of the data and skills needed to attend to the assigned task. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) reveal activation of memory banks when children are learning.6 These are patterns that are encoded in the brain from previous learning. Finding the right combination between simple repetition of a process and extensions that draw from past knowledge can be very meaningful when bettering mastery of content areas. Rehearsing a song or reading a poem multiple times generate more dendritic sprouting and makes the connections stronger, and memory of the task more reliable. This is where Bloom's Taxonomy7, the hierarchy that classifies learning objectives into levels of complexity, is relevant because the patterning becomes increasingly more complex through the steps of recalling, comprehending, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. These are constructs that build from the basic recall of facts to advanced thinking mechanisms that embrace a wide scope of brain functionality Bloom identified in humans.

In the case of the Bunge study1, the 7-9-year-olds were put in a game situation that was novel and motivating. Rotating the specific games every fifteen minutes sustained novelty and activated their attentive focus with the spontaneous dopamine release. The students were in a demonstrative mode through the experience because the amygdala recognized the environment as not harmful, but rather rewarding, coordinating the knowledge assimilation with the memory storage banks in the hippocampus, initiating the creation of dendrites and their synaptic connection to existing nerve axons. In a tense or boring environment, this assimilation will be reduced as the amygdala bypasses this mechanism.

In the games that were specifically picked because of their role in promoting reasoning, the children reinforced the development of that skill during each session. There was age-appropriate prerequisite information in their brains at the very beginning that allowed them to learn the game rules, then progress through each level, receive feedback, and then choose proper ways to execute successive moves. In other words, there were existing patterns in their cognition that correlated as they learned the games and practiced a few rounds and Bunge selected games based on that learning readiness. Furthermore, they became somewhat proficient because they nurtured the prediction aspect of their mentality, a key element in the cognitive development of a human and essential to the decision-making we do all day.

Game playing was pleasurable, too. Consequently, the children were very engaged, anticipating a reward with increased dopamine as they strove to the next level in each game. Based on the post evaluation test there must have been substantial plasticity associated with that part of the brain that reasons through tasks. In fact, the memory was transmitted over that two-month interval from the hippocampus to the frontal cortex where it was stored long term, improving their prediction capacity in the reasoning region. Likewise, for speed processing: games incorporating that functionality repeatedly led to significantly improved scores on the speed processing posttest. The one hundred sixty hours of regular school activities did not affect these abilities during that eight-week period but rather were relevant to the subjects and skills pursued by the teacher.

Attentive Focus Through Deliberate Practice

I tried to make my lessons novel, and keeping my students focused was a prime goal in my career. Educators think along those lines: prepare lessons that are novel for children to maximize learning.

Meaningful experiences in class that touch base with student patterning along with purposeful and stimulating homework improves prediction skills and facilitates the dendritic sprouting that enhances retention. New material, therefore, must click with the memory banks to initiate understanding and subsequently assimilation.

Along that line K. Anders Ericsson,  Professor of Psychology at Florida State University, who specializes in the psychological element of human performance, found that development of expertise is not just proportional to hours of practice. Rather, it is deliberate practice,  or component processes that collectively result in better overall performance. In other words, they set goals by breaking down a performance or lesson into constituent elements and develop a plan to improve in those areas.

Competitive distance runners, for instance, include short interval sprints in practice schedules to strengthen their musculature as well as amplify the cardiovascular response needed in a competitive event. Consider, too, all the individual skills introduced during the first semester to solve more complex, multistep problems second semester in algebra or geometry. Moreover, I became much more competent as a physics and chemistry instructor when rudimentary skills and themes were emphasized and drilled early in the school year or in the prerequisite course. What were complex ideas and problems to teach early in my career became routine for my students because they had a firm grasp of basic principles and skills. 

Ericsson's deliberate practice principles are relevant in all endeavors: athletics, teaching, games, and business:
  -clearly defined goal(s)
  -exertion of concentration and effort
  -immediate and informative feedback
  -refining performance through repetition and reflection. 8 (pp. 685-706)
I believe the trend to include novelty in the classroom is a major goal of educational publishers and software companies. However, it might not be keeping pace with the ever-stimulating innovations of cell phone apps and all the social attractions that draw the attention of young people. The anticipation of a message or any bit of information from friends and cultural icons empowers children, perpetuating an alert mode because the thrill of viewing and then responding is an engagement level that exceeds most of what transpires in a school day.

Cell phones, Facebook, and Instagram kindle plasticity because of the repetition and pleasure derived with the stream of information, but that brain development is not likely to relate to academic pursuits. As mentioned previously, teens have a powerful need for validation and unlike any invention in recent history, devices fill the void as powerful, mind-grabbing stimuli that sustain novelty for hours, promoting nonacademic, pop culture – validation they do not encounter in school pursuits – to the point that many experience withdrawal when the devices are removed.

Just as the reasoning developed in the 7 to 9-year-olds went up thirty-two percent, speed processing did not improve at all. Educators, therefore, should have students attempt a diversity of learning functions as modeled by the hierarchy of Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom adds that

Perhaps the major quality of these teachers was that they made the initial learning very pleasant and rewarding. Much of the introduction to the field was as playful activity, and the learning at the beginning at this stage was much more like a game.9

What may have been characterized as a spectacular presentation in a classroom a generation ago that built patterns and invoked prediction, pales compared to the novelty of the Instagram and Facebook postings waiting on an iPhone. It means, too, (as Bunge demonstrated) that our cognition is bifurcated into an assortment of independent skill and retention areas but blended if higher level thinking avenues are pursued that incorporate the designated skills and knowledge.

Classrooms past and future

The pedagogy many of us experienced a generation ago was predominantly lectures accompanied by peripherals such as worksheets, quizzes, homework, term papers, and occasionally a movie. Many students excelled here because they were good auditory learners and/or motivated by extrinsic factors such as family encouragement, school penalties for lack of compliance in behavior or grades, and the prospect of college or graduate school admittance. I had that intrinsic motivation late in high school and then in college, mainly because I heard that several graduates from my high school dropped out due to a lack of study skills and motivation to tackle university level work. Wanting to excel in college, therefore, I became keenly aware of the educators that were good content area facilitators and signed up for their courses if that option was available.  It may seem a bit simplistic but if tests came mainly from notes, I wrote diligently during the lecture and read them over several times the evening before to get high scores on exams. If tests were derived from the designated textbook I underlined extensively, read them repetitively to be ready for the test. How was I empowered? By simply cramming, the major learning style during those years, that is, my novelty (not thrilling) but necessary to maintain grades to reach vocational aspirations. The empowerment was not in the lecture hall where the facts were dispensed but rather in the library or dorm room where the knowledge was intensely crammed into my memory circuits for recall purposes during the test administration.

Attaining the reward, therefore, required adjusting to the dominant pedagogy available. In many respects, most of us taught ourselves content areas to become competent in classes because the fifty-minute lectures only introduced topics. I found that peers in my organic chemistry and calculus classes, for instance, struggled mightily. We wanted to achieve success even though there was little novelty. I would characterize myself as an emerging auditory learner upon entering college, and devoted substantial periods studying in my dormitory room reading, re-reading, and doing exercises repetitively in a notebook to master curriculum. That repetition along with the diversity of subjects at the university level improved my cognition in numerous ways. I was challenged, and my mind responded favorably because I was motivated and thus asserted myself, studying for prolonged periods at a desk, carrying over the knowledge acquisition when taking tests. My concentration led to the neurological dendritic sprouting that touched base with existing patterns, made new connections, built prediction skills for the sophisticated and varied subject areas I was pursuing. The validation did not come from human sources but entirely from much anticipated scores on tests and report card grades.

Young people today are not driven by the standards many of us held to attain high grades. What will it take, therefore, to improve attention and focus in the classroom for the new generation of pupils? In other words, what practices will stimulate neurological transformations like the children in the Bunge study and promote neuroplasticity?
The type of lesson planning I used in the early part of my teaching career (lectures, worksheets, and quizzes) may still be apropos in various settings, especially if they are executed with organization and relevance. However, I believe the recent developments in neurological science have enabled us to create instructional methods that encompass the foundational thought patterns of the whole class, and not just the audio-capable people. It is incumbent on schools to prolong the eagerness and validation of children, empower them through high school, perpetuate the reward cycle, maintaining attentiveness right up to commencement. Given the fact that only fifty-three percent of American students have been diagnosed as potentially ready to embark on college-level work, the novelty 'button' needs to be pushed to the point of a thrill at times in the older students so they can facilitate the knowledge flow and complexities associated with post-secondary pursuits and eventually their vocation.

 1. Surveys of Student Engagement, National Association of Independent Schools (2009)
     Retrieved from
2. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Hunter, J., (2003). Happiness in Everyday Life: The Uses of        Experience Sampling, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 185-199

Hard to sustain the novelty

However, the novelty of a school year diminishes as the combination of tests, quizzes, homework load, athletic, and drama commitments weigh heavily on students producing a fair amount of monotony and some stress. That brings up the question:

Can a school sustain novelty throughout a school year? Novelty is inherent during the first two weeks in September after the three-month vacation, as students are reacquainted with their friends, finding their new teachers and courses interesting because the freshness of the experience coupled with the pleasant early fall outdoors. However, the 2009 High School Survey of Student Engagement Project (HSSSE) revealed that two-thirds are bored or essentially not connected to school.1

The novelty wears thin because the processes that were interesting at first are now routine as the renewal of friendships ends and the scenery is all too familiar. The brain anticipates rewards and seeks interesting opportunities, but repetition and commonality prevail, losing in the competition with the media and poor sleep habits.

Teens and happiness

Perhaps the most definitive correlation between novelty and school was conducted through a happiness study in children sixth through twelfth grade. The students wore special wristwatches that sent random signals between 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. for one week. It encompassed twelve communities, thirty-three different schools, and eight hundred participants. Upon receiving the signal, the students completed a questionnaire.
Are you surprised by the results? The lowest level of happiness was when students were in school and the highest level occurred when they were out of school conversing or playing with friends particularly on weekends but dipped by Sunday afternoon in anticipation of the coming school week, when they would lose control of their time management and activity schedule. The authors concluded with what I consider the most significant quote in this book: 

Teenagers ascribe happiness to their moods when they are in situations of relative freedom, in the company of age-mates, able to engage in flow activities that stretch their skills and makes them feel alive and proud.2

The survey was extensive and Csikszentmihalyi and Hunter noted that happiness correlated with several factors such as extraverted lifestyle, being in the company of people, and performing high skill challenges. They found that gifted teenagers who enjoy exercising their talents such as mathematics, music, science, art, and athletics will set an agenda to practice that talent in high school. Moreover, young people who engage in studying tend to be happier, building psychological capital for the spectrum of opportunities they can pursue later in life. There was no correlation between happiness and financial affluence since teens are less happy in a suburban lifestyle that is sterile, for instance, because they have few opportunities to express themselves.

That said, is it the responsibility of schools to make students happy in the classroom? Is it even fair to put pressure on teachers beyond the nurturing of content area lesson plans to give children an emotional lift? I do not believe it is the responsibility of a school to serve as adult cheerleaders but think it important, nevertheless, to acknowledge Csikszentmihalyi and Hunter's findings that generate happiness in teens: "situations of relative freedom, in the company of age-mates, able to engage in flow activities that stretch their skills."

In that regard, consider that human interaction is a key factor in personal fulfillment. We are a highly social species and communication between parties involve various sectors of our intelligence. Furthermore, limiting interaction by requiring children to be quiet and audio-attentive in a facts-based curriculum through most of the school day disenfranchises up to two-thirds of a student body, limiting the key initiative of schools: cognitive processing of content areas and facilitation of higher-level reasoning skills. The audio-attentive facts-based classroom curtails the socialization and friendship that perpetuate "flow activities that stretch their skills". What is recommended then is assertive and validated engagement, the kind that puts students in a turned-on energetic mode throughout a classroom period. After you have established the tone you desire and outlined the parameters of your curriculum, give the students opportunities to run the class. Students appreciate your integrity and trust, and are happy in that environment because they gain a sense of control, including collegiality and tolerance, as they are immersed in your subject. I am amazed that students conduct themselves as well as they do in restrictive environments, contrary to their energy and thinking potentials, mainly out of respect for their teachers and the carrot associated with getting a diploma, avoid failure, or dodge admonishment.

Schools are so consumed with the administrative day to day operation, that little time is spent brainstorming on novel inclusions that allow for student expression or "engage in flow activities" or creative dreaming. Elevated levels of focus and motivation occur when interaction is permitted at both school-wide and classroom levels.

To embrace the range of students at the institution level, I suggest the following novel activities with some more feasible depending on the size of the school, affirming them as members of a valued community. In addition to this list I recommend the school administration create a slate of novel, and whenever possible, interactive activities at all levels. I will discuss classroom innovations in subsequent chapters.

Merge lunch periods once a month with musical entertainment (individual guitarist or bluegrass groups are good for this setting). Allow the students to eat with their friends in areas around the school. Have the kitchen staff make sandwiches for the occasion to expedite the process. Plan a special assembly with surprise speakers or student musical talents on display.

Have themed dress days. Those that feature regional sports team jerseys work well.

Divide the school into four divisions of mixed grades that represent competition in community service and other contests where points are accumulated, and a final contest day is held in June, with a winner picked for the school year.

Coordinate tutoring or games between high school and the lower grades.

Institute overnight or all-day retreats with an outdoor education camp in your region. Many are in the United States and the counselors are trained to   provide communication and physical challenges for students that build camaraderie and cooperation. If travel is a problem, have the counselors come to your school and perform the events.

Have at least one recess every day. Students perform better in classes following a recess period.

Coordinate field trips to places in your region including planetariums, hands-on nature centers, natural science museums, art museums, nursing homes, historical sites, archeological sites, government buildings, processing plants. Have an objective and procure handouts from these places ahead of time.

Establish an assembly program. If the theater cannot hold your entire student body, break it into sections. There are a sizable number of possibilities here including speakers from your school and local colleges. Your students and faculty can display their music and drama talents. Special interest assemblies related to trips and experiences are appreciated. Have question and answer sessions, too.

Embellish your advising program to include opportunities for one on one chats between the advisor and student to discuss academic progress and interests. The close order interaction between a student and adult in conversation is healthy. The advisor should be part of the school's parent conference schedule.

Allow secondary school students to find a personal space in the building where they can hang out when not in class. Being part of the school yearbook, for instance, offers an office. Band and orchestra rooms served that purpose for many of my peers. In some schools, students have a carrel in a room or library that they keep supplies and other personal items.

Validate and Empower: Augustus Klock and Robert Oppenheimer

Robert Oppenheimer
Theoretical physicist and head of the Los Alamos Laboratory

Department of Energy, Office of Public Affairs
"It is almost forty-five years since Augustus Klock taught me physics and chemistry. He loved these sciences both as craft and knowledge. He loved the devices of the laboratory, and the great discoveries that had been made before, and the view of nature – part order, part puzzle, that is the condition of science. But above all, he loved young people, to whom he hoped to give some touch, some taste, some love of life, and in whose awakening he saw destiny." [Klock commented: "He [Oppenheimer] was so brilliant that no teacher would have been skillful enough to prevent him from getting an education."] (p.40)
Monk, R., (2013) Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center, Anchor Publishers

1. Bunge, S., Mackey, Hill, Stone, (2011). Differential effects of reasoning and speed training in children, Developmental Science, Volume 14, Issue 3, 582–590
2.  Steriade, M., (1996). Arousal: Revisiting the reticular activating system. Science 272 (5259): 225–226.
3. Phelps E., (2004). Human emotion and memory: interactions of the amygdala and hippocampal complex, Curr Opin Neurobiol. Apr; 14(2):198-202.
4. Arias-Carrión O., Pöppel E. (2007). Dopamine, learning and reward-seeking behavior. Act Neurobiol Exp 67 (4): 481–488.
5. Alberts, B., Essential Cell Biology 3rd ed. (2009). New York: Garland Science.
6. Jenkins, I., Brooks, D., Nixon, P., Frackowiak, R., and Passingham, R., (2009). Motor sequence learning: a study with positron emission tomography, The Journal of Neuroscience, 1 June 1994, 14(6): 3775-3790
7. Bloom, B., Engelhart, M., Furst, E., Hill, W., Krathwohl, D., (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York: David McKay Company.
8. Ericsson, K., (2006). The Influence of Experience and Deliberate Practice on the Development of Superior Expert Performance, Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, Cambridge University Press, 685-706

9. Bloom, B., (1985). Developing Talent in Young People, Ballantine