7) A laughing high

In his book A Better High: laugh, help, run, love…and other ways to get naturally high! Matt Bellace states:

When something is perceived as funny, the reward center of the brain is activated, the same area that is activated during cocaine-induced highs. I'm not going to argue that laughing is a more intense high than cocaine, but the brain knows how to balance a natural high.

The dopamine released during a laughing high does not damage the brain but cocaine negatively affects the neurotransmitter chemistry of the brain.

Steven Small, a professor in neurology and psychology Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior at the University of California - Irvine, feels that laughing is contagious due to mirror neurons: “brain cells that become active when an organism is watching an expression or behavior that they themselves can perform.”

Bellace, M., (2012). A Better High: laugh, help, run, love…and other ways to get naturally high! Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing,

Laughter Yoga University, Retrieved from:

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