
One of the most important resources in my career was my notebook. That is, a journal of ideas and innovations in a spiral notebook, often scraps of paper for spontaneous thoughts: in the middle of a class, at an in-service, reading a book, watching television, or even as I retired for the day. Insights were documented and subsequently implemented that transformed my ability to facilitate content covering many avenues: discipline, homework, test ideas, lab procedures, and much more. It was a difference-maker!

Harvard Business School professor Teresa Amabile comments:

Keeping a journal is one of the best strategies for learning about yourself and improving your professional performance. It multiplies in utility if you use it to review your personal history. You can find insights or pieces of ideas beginning to emerge that you might not have realized if you look back a week, a month, or a year. That can help you identify your greatest strengths – and weaknesses you might want to work on.

Amabile, T., The #1 Productivity Tool You Aren't Using, from