18) Card, board, and video games

The investigators were trying to ascertain if card, board, and video games would improve specific brain functions (reasoning and speed processing). While educators are more concerned about the mastery of content areas in our children, Bunge was triggering a different assortment of brain-related functions independently: reasoning and speed processing. Bunge concluded: "All parts of intelligence are malleable. They're all in the brain, and all of the brain shows plasticity".

Our current generation of students is immersed in a technology that lures them daily. It has added the element of immediate gratification in the sphere of stimuli for children, and schools are contending with this wave of information management and attentiveness to rapid information flow of social media blurbs and texting. It is my opinion that educators should take advantage of the amusement element of card, board, and video games since they validate students through continuous feedback, cooperation, attentiveness, and transference of knowledge. Find suitable games online or devise one from a template. Build a collection over the years and have a tool that will stimulate greater assimilation of content and higher thinking skills.

Bunge, S., Mackey, Hill, Stone, (May 2011).  Differential effects of reasoning and speed training in children, Developmental Science, Volume 14, Issue 3, pages 582–590.

photo: PlaSmart Inc  Flickr